Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Swimming Fun

We are learning how to be confident in the water.
Look at how much fun we are having while in the pool.
We are very proud of ourselves.

Can You See Me?

We read a story called 'Can You See Me?'
We found some masks on the internet.
We chose which masks we wanted to colour in and Ms Tataurangi helped us to cut out our masks.
We are lions, tigers, butterflies, dogs, sharks and even an octopus.
We found a very cool tree to hide behind while Ms Tataurangi took our photos.
So can YOU see us?

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Sunsmart funky sunglasses!

Look at our funky sunglasses!!

Welcome to our blog!

Hi everyone and welcome to our blog for 2011!
We will be able to share all the exciting things we are doing in class.