Wednesday 23 March 2011

Can You See Me?

We read a story called 'Can You See Me?'
We found some masks on the internet.
We chose which masks we wanted to colour in and Ms Tataurangi helped us to cut out our masks.
We are lions, tigers, butterflies, dogs, sharks and even an octopus.
We found a very cool tree to hide behind while Ms Tataurangi took our photos.
So can YOU see us?


  1. Hi Superstars
    We just had our photos taken behind masks too! We love your masks because you coloured them yourselves. What a great job you've done!
    Ms Wilson

  2. Thank you very much Team 2A the Awesome Explorers and Mrs Wilson. We also have big A3 posters displayed in our class of us behind our masks and we like to read them when we are reading around the room. At the moment we are on holiday, so we will have a closer look at your blog when we get back to school in May. PS. we're looking forward to seeing your masks too! Ms Tataurangi - on behalf of the Superstars of Room 8
